Volume I: Principles and Applications. Arctic Flood. Arid Zones Flooding. Coastal Flooding. Disaster Recovery after Floods. Dominant Discharge of Rivers. Dynamic Curve Numbers: Concept and Application. Flood Causes and Origins. Flood Control Approaches: Structural and Non-Structural. Flood Control Structures. Flood Fighting Methods. Flood Hydrograph and Base Flow Separation. Flood Insurance. Flood Mapping. Flood Mark Applications. Flood Preparedness and Responses. Flood Spreading. Flood Water Harvesting. Fundamental Issues of Flood Hazard in the Alluvial Fan Environment. Geomorphology and Flooding. Homogenous Flooding Regions. Humans and Flood. Hydrology of Extreme Floods. Importance of 100-year Floods. Paleoflood and Historical Floods. Post-flood Field Investigations after a Major Flash Flood. River Engineering and Floods. River Flood Erosion. River Rehabilitation for Flood Protection. Sedimentation and Flooding. Snowmelt Flood Hydrology. Streamflow Gauging Station Networking. Synoptic Analysis of Flooding. Types of Drains to Prevent Flood Damage. Appendix: Computer Codes. Volume II: Analysis and Modeling. Assessment of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Normalized Difference Sea Ice Index (NDSI) for Sea Ice Applications. Bankfull Stage and Flood Return Periods. Continuous Large-scale Simulation Models in Flood Studies. Copula Modeling in Flood Analysis. Delta Levee Breach Modelling. Determining the High Flood Risk Regions Using a Rainfall-Runoff Modeling. Differential Quadrature Method for Numerical Solution of the Diffusion Wave Model. Flash Flood Forecasting model Coupled with Ensemble Kalman Filter. Flood Data Processing and Data Mining Methods. Flood Estimation Uncertainty. Flood Forecasting and Infiltration Modelling. Flood Frequency Analysis. Flood Indices. Flood Routing in Reservoir and River Flow. Geographic Information System Mapping for Floodway Modelling. Geostatistics and Flooding. Intelligent Technology and Flood Analysis. Iterative Floodway Modelling Using HEC-RAS and GIS. L-moments Approach in Flood Analyses. Methods for Developing a Stage-Discharge Curve. Numerical Simulation of Potential Inundation. Optimum Design of Flood Control System Using Multivariate Decision Making Methods. Probable Maximum Flood and Probable Maximum Precipitation. Rainfall Runoff Modelling for Flood Forecasting. Real-Time Flood Forecasting Models. Region of Influence Approach in Flood Regionalization. Regional Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves. Regionalization of Flood Estimation. Reliability of Design Flood Estimates. Reservoir Optimization. Return Periods of Flooding. Spatial-Temporal Adjustments of Time of Concentration. Time Series Analysis of Floods. Trend Analysis of Floods. Appendix: Computer Codes. Volume III: Impacts and Management. Best Management Practices as an Alternative for Flood Control. Community Capacity in Flood Early Warning. Dam Failure Assessment for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Decision Support System for Flood Risk Assessment. Ecological Aspects of Flooding. Economic Analysis of Flooding. Environmental Aspects of Flood. Evaluation of Flash Flood Severity. Evaluation of Remotely Sensed Rainfall Algorithms. Extreme Flooding by a Tsunami. Flood Damage Assessments. Flood Hazard Management. Flood Plain Management. Flood Vulnerability of the River System and Short-term Mitigation Measures. Flooding Case Studies. Floods: From Risk to Opportunity. Floodwater Quality Monitoring. Guidelines for Drying Flood-Damaged Buildings. Habitat Aspects of Flooding. Health Aspects of Flooding. Impact Assessment of Extreme Storm Events. Impact of Climate Change on Flood. Impact of Urbanization on Flooding. Integrated Flood Risk Management. Land Use Management of Flooding Area. Morphometric Characteristics Impact on Floods Using Remote Sensing. Multi-Objective Reservoir Operation under Emergency Conditions. Policy and Legislation for Flooding. Resilience in Flood Event. Sea Level Rise Due to Climate Change. Social Aspects of Flooding. Stakeholder Collaboration in Flood Risk Management. Sustainability in Flood Management. Appendix: Computer Codes.


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    Flood handbook : principles and applications


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