Synonyme wurden verwendet für: BIOTECHNOLOGY
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1–20 von 194 Ergebnissen

    The Search for Signatures of Life and Habitability on Planets and Moons of Our Solar System

    Funke, Oliver / Horneck, Gerda | Springer Verlag | 2018
    Schlagwörter: Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology

    Die Nebenwirkungen lückenloser Kühlketten

    Verhasselt, Stephan / Schönsleben, Paul | Tema Archiv | 2011
    Schlagwörter: biologische Verfahrenstechnik

    Adaptive and Robust Linearizing Control Strategies for Fed-Batch Cultures of Microorganisms Exhibiting Overflow Metabolism

    Dewasme, Laurent / Coutinho, Daniel / Wouwer, Alain Vande | Springer Verlag | 2011
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology

    Improving pesticide spray application in vineyards by automated analysis of the foliage distribution pattern in the leaf wall

    Braun, Tim / Koch, Heribert / Strub, Oliver et al. | Tema Archiv | 2010
    Schlagwörter: biologische Verfahrenstechnik

    Bio-processing of Indian Ocean nodules using a marine isolate-effect of organics

    Mukherjee, A. / Raichur, A.M. / Modak, J.M. et al. | Tema Archiv | 2003
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnik

    BSB-Online-Analytik beim Oberlächenablaufwasser eines Flughafens

    Pickering, J. / Genner, C. / Keller, P. | Tema Archiv | 2002
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnik

    Microgravity Science Laboratory (MSL-1)

    M. B. C. Robinson | NTIS | 1998
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology

    MSG: Microgravity science glovebox

    Baugher, C.R. / Ramachandran, N. / Roark, W. | Tema Archiv | 1996
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnologie

    JPRS Report. Science and Technology: Japan, January 3, 1995

    NTIS | 1995
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology

    Opportunities for biobased composites for automotive application

    Rowell, R.M. / Youngquist, J.A. / Young, R.A. | Tema Archiv | 1992
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnologie

    Space Station Freedom Utilization Conference

    NTIS | 1992
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology

    Biosensor applications are springing up all over

    Keeler, R. | Tema Archiv | 1991
    Schlagwörter: BIOTECHNOLOGIE

    JPRS Report, Science Technology, China

    NTIS | 1990
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology

    Space manufacturing in an automated crystal growth facility

    Quinn, A.W. / Herrmann, M.C. / Nelson, P.J. | Tema Archiv | 1989
    Schlagwörter: BIOTECHNOLOGIE

    JPRS Report, Science & Technology Europe

    NTIS | 1989
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology

    JPRS Report, Science Technology, Japan

    NTIS | 1988
    Schlagwörter: Biotechnology