1–50 von 81 Ergebnissen

    Hazard analysis of a yacht designed for people with disabilities

    Branowski, Bogdan / Zabłocki, Marek / Gabryelski, Jarosław et al. | IOS Press | 2021

    In connection with the design of a seaworthy yacht for persons with disabilities, authors conduct a


    Comparative study between analytical and FE analysis for the ultimate strength assessment of pitted platings

    Piscopo, Vincenzo / Scamardella, Antonio | IOS Press | 2019
    of platings in the post-buckling regime. In this respect, a comparative analysis between the analytical solution and a series of FE results ...

    Development of generic airport categories for rapid fleet-level noise modeling

    Bernardo, José E. / Kirby, Michelle / Mavris, Dimitri | IOS Press | 2015

    Operations forecast are projecting significant growth in total operations in the United States and


    Calculation of bottom clearance effects on Walrus submarine hydrodynamics

    IOS Press | 2010

    Due to changes in operations, the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) is operating its submarines increasingly in brown water regions (i.e


    Self-propulsion testing study of a four-propeller vessel

    IOS Press | 2010

    A series of model self-propulsion tests are designed by orthogonal optimization method in order to discuss the propulsive performance of


    On the diffraction problem between two ships advancing in oblique sea

    Fang, Ming-Chung | IOS Press | 1987

    The diffraction problem between two fixed slender ships moving in oblique waves is formulated. The boundary value problem is linearized

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The selection of clearance and speed for underway replenishment

    Fang, Ming-Chung | IOS Press | 1987

    A series of numerical analysis on the relative motions of two ships doing underway replenishment at seas are presented in this paper

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Effects of distributed roughness on the skin friction of ships

    Kauczynski, W. / Walderhaug, H. | IOS Press | 1987

    In order to study the influence of different distributions of paint roughness on ship skin friction resistance a calculation method has

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Structural developments in underwater operations1

    Faulkner, D. | IOS Press | 1985

    Before TNO-IWECO was formed the only significant underwater structures were manned submersibles (mainly observational research

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Dynamic response of ship main dimensions and hull material in vertical motion

    Nassef, I. | IOS Press | 1984
    : ship’s mass, surrounding water mass and bending stiffness’, are studied and approximated in series harmonic functions. Minor factors, ‘effect of ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Computation by finite element method of hydrodynamic coefficients of ships in shallow water1

    Baar, J.J.M. | IOS Press | 1984
    developed for the computation of the hydrodynamic coefficients of a slender ship form, travelling with forward speed in shallow water.


    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    A functional representation of fluid actions on ships

    Bishop, R.E.D. / Price, W.G. / Temarel, P. | IOS Press | 1984
    Volterra functional series. Examples of the resulting technique are discussed in relationship to the behaviour of a ship model undergoing steady ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    A statistical method for calculation of resistance of the stepless planing hulls1

    Radojčić, D. | IOS Press | 1984

    A mathematical model is presented for predicting the resistance and trim angle of bare stepless planing hulls in calm water for volume

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Wave loading on floating docks under tow

    Ractliffe, A.T. / Mitchell, G.H.G. | IOS Press | 1984

    A floating dock consists essentially of a flat rectangular base stabilised in the submerged condition by means of a vertical wall each

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Behaviour and design of stiffened plates under predominantly compressive loads1

    Guedes Soares, C. / Søreide, T.H. | IOS Press | 1983
    treatment is provided of simplified methods for use in design work. A series of calculations is performed with various design methods to provide a ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Effect of ship main dimensions and properties of hull material on deflection, shear force and bending moment

    Nassef, I. | IOS Press | 1983

    In this investigation the influence of a Winkler type of elastic foundation on deflection of ship hull is studied. In addition the

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Nonlinear effects for ship motion in heavy seas

    Yamamoto, Y. / Fukasawa, T. / Arai, M. et al. | IOS Press | 1982

    A number of ship disasters took place in succession during the past several years in the North Pacific Ocean, and investigations of

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Rudder-ship interaction in steady state and oscillatory rudder tests on a ship model

    Burcher, R.K. / McKendrick, G. / Price, W.G. et al. | IOS Press | 1982

    A series of model tests are described in which steady state and oscillatory rudder derivatives are measured. During the experiments

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Geometry, resistance and stability of the Delft systematic yacht hull series1

    Gerritsma, J. / Onnink, R. / Versluis, A. | IOS Press | 1981

    Resistance and stability in upright and heeled position has been determined for a series of twenty two systematically varied yacht hull

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Measuring the steering performance of ships during full-scale trials and model tests1

    van Amerongen, J. / de Goeij, W.F. / Moraal, J.M. et al. | IOS Press | 1981
    reported. This paper gives some results of a series of full-scale trials.

    Another solution is to measure the difference in performance of

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Resistance prediction of small high-speed displacement vessels: state of the art1

    van Oossanen, P. | IOS Press | 1980

    In preliminary ship design studies it is frequently necessary to estimate the calm water resistance characteristics of various hull

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The choice of propeller design parameters with respect to cavitation control1

    van Oossanen, P. | IOS Press | 1977

    In this paper results are given of a study of how the type and extent of cavitation on screw propellers, working in wake flows, are

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Variation of parameters determining seakeeping

    Beukelman, W. / Huijser, A. | IOS Press | 1977

    With the computerprogram “Trial” calculations have been carried out to determine the seakeeping qualities in head waves of

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The SSPA cargo liner series

    Regression analysis of the resistance and propulsive coefficients
    Shaher Sabit, A. | IOS Press | 1976
    particulars of the SSPA cargo liner series [1,2]1

    Numbers in brackets refer to References listed at

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Practical aspects in the design of high-speed small propellers1

    Kruppa, C. | IOS Press | 1976

    Methodical series results and theoretical methods are discussed as suitable means of design, both for large blade area ratio

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    On the calculation of maxima of non-linear waveforces and wave induced motions

    Vinje, T. | IOS Press | 1976
    order solution is given. The distribution is found in terms of an Edgworth-series expansion. This series expansion is in consistence with the ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Results of systematic model tests of a stern trawler side launching1

    Zdybek, T. | IOS Press | 1976

    A series of model experiments has been conducted with a stern trawler model, in which the main parameters governing the motion of a side

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Lifting-line theory and calculations for supercavitating propellers

    Andersen, P. | IOS Press | 1976

    Results are shown from calculations in which the propeller data are varied systematically thus making a small propeller series.

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Theoretical study of the “chevroning” of the profiled elements of streamlined cables

    Marichal, Dominique / Sulmont, Patrice | IOS Press | 1976
    a rectilinear vertical cable moving at a constant velocity in a plane. The streamlining comprises an infinite series of flat rectangular ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Further computer-analyzed data of the Wageningen B-screw series

    Oosterveld, M.W.C. / van Oossanen, P. | IOS Press | 1975

    In this paper the open-water characteristics of the Wageningen B-series propellers are given in polynomials for use in preliminary ship

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Hybrid computer simulation of maneuvering during underway replenishment in calm and regular seas

    Alvestad, R. / Brown, S.H. | IOS Press | 1975

    This paper describes the second phase of a hybrid computer simulation of two ships maneuvering during underway replenishment operations

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Equilibrium of offshore cables and pipelines during laying

    Pedersen, P. Terndrup | IOS Press | 1975
    floor and a laying barge or a stinger is presented. Variations in bending stiffness, weight and buoyancy and forces due to ocean current are ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Hybrid computer simulation of maneuvering during underway replenishment

    Brown, S.H. / Alvestad, R. | IOS Press | 1974

    This paper describes a hybrid computer simulation of ship maneuvering during underway-replenishment operations. Two identical Mariner

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Coupled transverse shaft vibrations of modern ships1

    Vassilopoulos, L. / Bradshaw, R. | IOS Press | 1974
    ship designs. Analytical details are mostly retained in a series of appendices and the paper concludes with a set of recommendations that will ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The SSPA Cargo Liner Series. Hull surface generation and geometry of forms

    Shaher Sabit, A. | IOS Press | 1973

    An overall analysis of the resistance and propulsion results of the SSPA Cargo Liner Series has been presented in Reports No. 66 and 67

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Influence of wake on propeller loading and cavitation

    van Gent, W. / van Oossanen, P. | IOS Press | 1973

    In this paper an attempt is made to determine some aspects of the interrelationship between wakefield, adapted propeller design

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    An analysis of the Series 60 results

    Part I. Analysis of forms and resistance results
    Shaher Sabit, A. | IOS Press | 1972

    The Series 60 results are analytically analysed in order to achieve its ultimate objectives in a computer program form. All form

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

      An analysis of the Series 60 results

      Part II. Regression analysis of the propulsion factors
      Shaher Sabit, A. | IOS Press | 1972

      Regression analysis is used to express the wake fraction, thrust deduction, hull efficiency and relative rotative efficiency in terms of

      Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Cavitation on hemispherical nosed teflon bodies1

    van der Meulen, J.H.J. | IOS Press | 1972

    In a high speed water tunnel, incipient and desinent cavitation are investigated on a series of hemispherical nosed teflon bodies. The

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Incipient and desinent cavitation on hemispherical nosed bodies

    van der Meulen, J.H.J. | IOS Press | 1972
    cavitation were determined in a high speed cavitation tunnel, using a series of stainless steel, hemispherical nosed bodies. The experiments covered ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Investigations on different propeller types

    Oosterveld, M.W.C. | IOS Press | 1971
    results of such tests by means of a regression analysis is given. For systematic screw series, for instance, the thrust and torque will in future ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    An investigation into the course stability of the B.S.R.A. 0.85 block coefficient methodical series form

    Clarke, D. | IOS Press | 1970
    course stability of the B.S.R.A. 0.85 CB form. The fibreglass model, which was fitted with a propeller, was attached to the arm in ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The steering of a ship during the stopping manoeuvre1

    Hooft, J.P. | IOS Press | 1970

    The paper presents the results of modelexperiments on a “Series-60” model with a blockcoefficient of 0.80 regarding the governing

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The impact of a water wedge upon a wedge-shaped wall

    Meyerhoff, W. Kay | IOS Press | 1970
    Christoffel and is obtained in form of an infinite series. From this the added mass, the wetting correction, and an expression for the pressure ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Preliminary fleet design by geometric programming

    Folkers, J.S. | IOS Press | 1969
    this paper is to apply this method to a problem of preliminary fleet operations analysis. Three versions of this problem are fully discussed ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Effect of ship section scantlings and transverse position of longitudinal bulkheads on shear stress distribution and shear carrying capacity of main hull girder

    Shama, M.A. | IOS Press | 1969
    is carried out in the form of a parametric study using the University IBM 1620 digital computer. The results are given in terms of ship depth ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    “KV” nozzle propeller series

    Vucinic-Superina, A. | IOS Press | 1968

    The reasons of the use of a new propeller series for nozzles, applied in especially unregulated rivers are explained. The design methods

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Vertical motions and bending moments in regular waves

    A comparison between calculation and experiment1
    Joosen, W.P.A. / Wahab, R. / Woortman, J.J. | IOS Press | 1968

    A comparison between calculated and experimentally determined motions and vertical wave bending moments is made for a number of Series

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Model tests with decelerating nozzles1

    Oosterveld, M.W.C. | IOS Press | 1968

    This paper presents the results of open-water tests and observation of the cavitation characteristics of systematic series of flow

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Economy calculations in ship design

    Völker, H. | IOS Press | 1967
    and best possible ship: using the methods of modern Operations Research. The example of an optimization of the service speed is given to ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The drifting force and moment on a ship in oblique regular waves1

    Ogawa, A. | IOS Press | 1967

    Two-dimensional hydrodynamic theory is applied in order to obtain the drifting force per unit length on a two-dimensional body floating

    Schlagwörter: Research Article