1–20 von 81 Ergebnissen

    Wave loading on floating docks under tow

    Ractliffe, A.T. / Mitchell, G.H.G. | IOS Press | 1984

    A floating dock consists essentially of a flat rectangular base stabilised in the submerged condition by means of a vertical wall each

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Vertical motions and bending moments in regular waves

    A comparison between calculation and experiment1
    Joosen, W.P.A. / Wahab, R. / Woortman, J.J. | IOS Press | 1968

    A comparison between calculated and experimentally determined motions and vertical wave bending moments is made for a number of Series

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Vertical and lateral bending moment measurements on series 60 models1

    Vossers, G. / Swaan, W.A. / Rijken, H. | IOS Press | 1961
    midship vertical and lateral bending moments. The models form a related family and have been chosen in accordance with the Series 60 lines. The ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Variation of parameters determining seakeeping

    Beukelman, W. / Huijser, A. | IOS Press | 1977

    With the computerprogram “Trial” calculations have been carried out to determine the seakeeping qualities in head waves of

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Trials of paint systems on steel under cathodic protection12

    de Vlieger, J.H. / Brakkee, J.L.T. | IOS Press | 1962

    Paint systems in conjunction with cathodic protection are discussed. The claims made for these paints are given, and from, series of

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The steering of a ship during the stopping manoeuvre1

    Hooft, J.P. | IOS Press | 1970

    The paper presents the results of modelexperiments on a “Series-60” model with a blockcoefficient of 0.80 regarding the governing

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The SSPA Cargo Liner Series. Hull surface generation and geometry of forms

    Shaher Sabit, A. | IOS Press | 1973

    An overall analysis of the resistance and propulsion results of the SSPA Cargo Liner Series has been presented in Reports No. 66 and 67

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The SSPA cargo liner series

    Regression analysis of the resistance and propulsive coefficients
    Shaher Sabit, A. | IOS Press | 1976
    particulars of the SSPA cargo liner series [1,2]1

    Numbers in brackets refer to References listed at

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The selection of clearance and speed for underway replenishment

    Fang, Ming-Chung | IOS Press | 1987

    A series of numerical analysis on the relative motions of two ships doing underway replenishment at seas are presented in this paper

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    Theoretical study of the “chevroning” of the profiled elements of streamlined cables

    Marichal, Dominique / Sulmont, Patrice | IOS Press | 1976
    a rectilinear vertical cable moving at a constant velocity in a plane. The streamlining comprises an infinite series of flat rectangular ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The modern manufacture of steel plate for shipbuilding1

    Pearson, T.F. | IOS Press | 1958

    Significance of shipbuilding in relation to steelmaking.

    The manufacturing process: Acid process. Basic process. Refining in

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The influence of a bulbous bow on the motions and the propulsion in longitudinal waves12

    Gerritsma, J. / Beukelman, W. | IOS Press | 1963

    The propulsion and the motions of two shipmodels were measured in longitudinal regular head waves. The first model is a parent form of

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The impact of a water wedge upon a wedge-shaped wall

    Meyerhoff, W. Kay | IOS Press | 1970
    Christoffel and is obtained in form of an infinite series. From this the added mass, the wetting correction, and an expression for the pressure ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The effect of forebody section shape on ship behaviour in waves12

    Swaan, W.A. / Vossers, G. | IOS Press | 1961

    Experiments have been carried out with a series of six models. These models had the same principal dimensions and displacement, but

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The drifting force and moment on a ship in oblique regular waves1

    Ogawa, A. | IOS Press | 1967

    Two-dimensional hydrodynamic theory is applied in order to obtain the drifting force per unit length on a two-dimensional body floating

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The design presentation of ship model resistance data

    Telfer, E.V. | IOS Press | 1963
    information derived from such experiments. B.J. Tideman is acknowledged as being in 1878 the pioneer in the non-dimensional presentation of model ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The design of wake-adapted screws and their behaviour behind the ship1

    van Manen, J.D. / van Lammeren, W.P.A. | IOS Press | 1955

    The paper deals first with the deficiencies in the theory of wake-adapted ship screws. Next, a method of design for these screws is

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The choice of propeller design parameters with respect to cavitation control1

    van Oossanen, P. | IOS Press | 1977

    In this paper results are given of a study of how the type and extent of cavitation on screw propellers, working in wake flows, are

    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The calculation of nozzle propeller systems based on the theory of thin annular airfoils with arbitrary circulation distribution

    Kobyliński, Lech | IOS Press | 1961
    distribution increasing linearly towards the blade tips for the nozzle series of L  ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article

    The blade edge microscope of the Netherlands Ship Model Basin

    Witte, J.H. / Esveldt, J. | IOS Press | 1966
    nor are they identical. These differences can usually not be seen by the unaided eye but in the tunnel they result in drastic differences in ...
    Schlagwörter: Research Article