Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Geophysics
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101–120 von 1,069 Ergebnissen

    MHD simulations of the magnetosheath

    Lyon, J. G. | NTRS | 1994
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Plasma effects of active ion beam injections in the ionosphere at rocket altitudes

    Arnoldy, R. L. / Cahill, L. J., Jr. / Kintner, P. M. et al. | NTRS | 1992
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Periodic oscillations of the quasi-parallel bow shock as observed with the AMPTE/CCE spacecraft

    Strangeway, R. J. / Zanetti, L. J. | NTRS | 1991
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Modelling of E-region auroral winds

    Rees, David / Fuller-Rowell, T. J. | NTRS | 1990
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Multiple satellite observations of leakage of particles from the magnetosphere

    Sibeck, D. G. / Mcentire, R. W. | NTRS | 1988
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Comparison of field-aligned currents at ionospheric and magnetospheric altitudes

    Spence, H. E. / Kivelson, M. G. / Walker, R. J. | NTRS | 1988
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Multisatellite studies of ULF waves

    Takahashi, Kazue | NTRS | 1988
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Variations in in-flight absolute radiometric calibration

    Slater, Philip N. | NTRS | 1986
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Contemporary plate motions from Lageos - A decade later

    Christodoulidis, D. C. / Smith, D. E. / Klosko, S. M. et al. | NTRS | 1986
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Ion cyclotron waves observed near the plasmapause

    Fraser, B. J. / Samson, J. C. / Mcpherron, R. L. et al. | NTRS | 1986
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Geodetic and geophysical results from Lageos

    Smith, D. E. / Christodoulidis, D. C. / Kolenkiewicz, R. et al. | NTRS | 1985
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Ozone and aircraft operations

    Perkins, P. J. | NTRS | 1981
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS

    Analysis of state of vehicular scars on Arctic Tundra, Alaska

    Lathram, E. H. | NTRS | 1974
    Schlagwörter: GEOPHYSICS