1–3 von 3 Ergebnissen

    American Road Map for Research for Nanotechnology-Based Concrete Materials

    Birgisson, Bjorn / Taylor, Peter / Armaghani, Jamshid et al. | Transportation Research Record | 2010
    wideranging implications for the concrete transportation infrastructure. The development of nanotechnology-based concrete materials will require a ...

    STEM K-12 Outreach as the Root of Transportation Education: Experiences from the Railway Engineering Field

    Dick, C. Tyler / Lautala, Pasi / Schlake, Bryan W. | Transportation Research Record | 2019

    Demand for graduates with rail transportation expertise remains strong in North America, particularly in engineering and technical


    Car Scheduling: What’s the Point?

    Lang, A. Scheffer / Roberts, Paul O. / Sammon, John P. | Transportation Research Record | 2000

    During the past 35 years, the major railroad companies and the Association of American Railroads all have invested heavily in the
