Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Elektrisches Potenzial Potenzial
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Elektrisches Potenzial)

1–20 von 125 Ergebnissen

    Fiber-optic voltage sensor

    C. B. Wood | NTIS | 1919
    Schlagwörter: Electric Potential

    Measurement Program to Determine Static Electricity Charging Currents in Helicopter Main Rotor Blades

    S. Baron / E. Cholakian / T. Coonan | NTIS | 1964
    Schlagwörter: ELECTROSTATICS

    Some Methods of Reference Star Acquisition for the L.A.S

    D. N. Soo | NTIS | 1966
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Transient and Steady State Analysis of Inverter Supplied Induction Motors

    G. W. Wilcock | NTIS | 1967
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Oao State of Charge Unit

    W. Miller / W. Stewart / J. Yagelowich | NTIS | 1968
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Telemetry Modulation System Msc-TS-8A Final Report

    NTIS | 1968
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Analysis of Commutated Networks Employing Feedback Circuits

    M. T. Borelli | NTIS | 1968
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Spacecraft Radio

    NTIS | 1968
    Schlagwörter: Electrostatics

    Distribution of Potential over the Arc of a Vortex-Type Plasmatron

    G. YU. Dautov | NTIS | 1968
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Hydrazine Electrolysis Cell Safety Limits Tests

    N. E. Morgan | NTIS | 1969
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    A Spacecraft Analog-TO-Digital Conversion System Employing Mosfets

    D. C. Lokerson | NTIS | 1969
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Geophysical Observations Monthly Bulletin, Mar. 1969

    NTIS | 1969
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Research and Development in Needle and Slit Colloid Thrusters

    A. Sherman / K. W. Stark | NTIS | 1970
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential

    Electrostatic Hazards During Launch Vehicle Flight Operations

    P. G. Andrus / L. E. Walkup | NTIS | 1970
    Schlagwörter: Electric potential