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Synonyme wurden verwendet für: AIDs
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1–3 von 3 Ergebnissen

    Developing a unified set of information covering accessibility at public transport terminals

    Westerheim, H. / Haugset, B. / Natvig, M. | IET | 2007
    Schlagwörter: handicapped aids

    Experimental study of the human factors when riding an automated wheelchair: supervision and acceptability of the automated system

    Freier Zugriff
    Hashimoto, Naohisa / Tomita, Kohji / Boyali, Ali et al. | IET | 2018
    Schlagwörter: handicapped aids

    Probing deeper into the risks of slips, trips and falls for an ageing rail passenger population: applying a systems approach

    Freier Zugriff
    Waterson, Patrick E. / Kendrick, Victoria L. / Ryan, Brendan et al. | IET | 2016
    Schlagwörter: handicapped aids