Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Reibung
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Reibung)

1–10 von 10 Ergebnissen

    Friction in long bearing channels during multi-hole extrusion of aluminum alloy.
    experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen

    experimental and numerical investigations
    Freier Zugriff
    Sanabria Rosas, Vidal R. | DataCite | 2016
    Schlagwörter: Reibung , sticking friction , friction

    Biomimetic friction reducing hull surfaces could reduce ship emissions

    Freier Zugriff
    Oeffner, Johannes / Schimmel, Thomas / Jalkanen, Jukka-Pekka | Fraunhofer Publica | 2017
    Schlagwörter: friction reduction

    Skin Friction Extracted from Surface Pressure in Incident Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction

    Tianshu Liu / David M. Salazar / Jim Crafton et al. | NTRS | 2021
    Schlagwörter: skin friction

    A Study of Skin Temperatures of Conical Bodies in Supersonic Flight

    Huston, Wilber B / Warfield, Calvin N / Stone, Anna Z | NTRS | 1948
    Schlagwörter: SKIN FRICTION - MISSILES

    Untersuchung der Potentiale zur Modellierung von Walzasphalt mittels der Diskrete Elemente Methode

    Freier Zugriff
    Müller, Dirk-Niklas | DataCite | 2021
    Schlagwörter: static friction coefficient

    Estimated Lift-drag Ratios at Supersonic Speed

    Jones, Robert T | NTRS | 1947
    Schlagwörter: SKIN FRICTION

    A Flight Investigation of the Effect of Surface Roughness on Wing Profile Drag with Transition Fixed

    Wood, Clotaire | NTRS | 1944
    Schlagwörter: SKIN FRICTION - AIRFOILS