Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Bone Bone tissue tissue
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Bone tissue)

1–5 von 5 Ergebnissen

    Xeno-Hybrid composite scaffold manufactured with CAD/CAM technology for horizontal bone-augmentation in edentulous atrophic maxilla: a short communication

    Freier Zugriff
    Maria Paola Cristalli / Gerardo La Monaca / Nicola Pranno et al. | BASE | 2020
    Schlagwörter: bone tissue regeneration , bone substitute , deproteinized bovine bone

    Unser empfindliches Skelett

    Bacabac, Rommel G. / Loon, Jack J.W.A. / Klein-Nulend, Jenneke | Tema Archiv | 2010
    Schlagwörter: Knochengewebe

    Three-dimensional virtual bone bank system workflow for structural bone allograft selection: a technical report

    Freier Zugriff
    Ritacco, Lucas / Farfalli, Germán Luis / Milano, Federico Edgardo et al. | BASE
    Schlagwörter: Bone cancer , Tissue banking

    Experimental investigation of promontory motion and intracranial pressure following bone conduction: Stimulation site and coupling type dependence

    Freier Zugriff
    Dobrev, Ivo / Sim, Jae Hoon / Pfiffner, Flurin et al. | BASE | 2019
    Schlagwörter: Bone conduction pathways , Soft-tissue stimulation