Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Prospektion
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1–20 von 86 Ergebnissen

    Combining Autonomous Exploration, Goal-Oriented Coordination and Task Allocation in Multi-UAV Scenarios

    Rasche, Christoph / Stern, Claudius / Richert, Willi et al. | Tema Archiv | 2010
    Schlagwörter: geophysikalische Prospektion

    Use of subsurface utility engineering techniques to assess existing buried pipeline condition

    Noone, J.F. / Moyer, P.D. / Gracie, M. | Tema Archiv | 1999
    Schlagwörter: geophysikalische Prospektion

    Business case for seismic data transmission by satellite

    Aylor, W.K. jun. / Gnowles, J. / Van Rensselaer, F. | Tema Archiv | 2000
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    Seismic reservoir monitoring: market, technology and players

    Christie, P.A.F. | Tema Archiv | 2000
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    Spacer design and fabrication for Sakhalin II project

    Bruce, J.C. / McCaslin, B.T. / Hollowell, J.A. | Tema Archiv | 1999
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    High Power/High Frequency Acoustic Stimulation - A Novel and Effective Wellbore Stimulation Technology

    Wong, Sau-Wai / Van Der Bas, Fred / Zuiderwijk, Pedro et al. | Tema Archiv | 2003
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    Calibration of rock properties for deepwater seismic

    Hilterman, F.J. / Verm, R. / Wilson, M. et al. | Tema Archiv | 1999
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    Cyclic deformability of steel pipes with local metal loss and repaired pipes

    Miwa, Masataka / Oguchi, Noritake / Okajima, Yutaka et al. | Tema Archiv | 2004
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    Real-time well construction monitoring - A case history of Sincor's heavy oil project

    Branch, A.J. / Andersen, K. / Lavillonniere, J.L. et al. | Tema Archiv | 2001
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung , seismische Lagerstättenerkundung

    SUGAR II - Submarine Gashydrat-Lagerstätten, Erdgasproduktion und CO2-Speicherung

    Wallmann, Klaus | Tema Archiv | 2014
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung

    A novel low-cost, limited-resource approach to autonomous multi-robot exploration and mapping

    Gifford, Christopher M. / Webb, Russell / Bley, James et al. | Tema Archiv | 2010
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung

    Practical inversion of high-definition induction logs using a priori information

    Fishburn, T. / Geldmacher, I.M. / Rabinovich, M. et al. | Tema Archiv | 1998
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung

    Primary halos of Cu-Ni ores

    Chekushin, V. A. / Pavlov, V. A. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting

    Effective method for separation of glacial formations

    Odessky, I. A. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting

    Petrogeochemical analysis and diamondiferous factors of ultramafites

    Shabaldin, G. P. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting

    Geotectonic development and prospects for diamonds of northern part of East-European platform

    Skorospelkin, S. A. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting

    Tectonics and prospects for diamonds of the north-western part of the East-European platform

    Garbar, D. I. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting

    Hydrogeochemical surveys come of age

    Hall, G. E. M. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting

    New Theory and Technique of Geosciences in Oil & Gas Exploration and Development

    Yao, Ya-Ming / Yang, Zi-Qi | Tema Archiv | 2012
    Schlagwörter: Lagerstättenerkundung

    Moraines of the middle Enisey area in relation to prospecting of the Norilsk-type intrusions

    Suhorukova, S. S. / Shevko, A. Y. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 1994
    Schlagwörter: prospecting