Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Chemische Synthese Synthese
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Chemische Synthese)

1–3 von 3 Ergebnissen

    A design synthesis framework for directional performance optimization of multi-trailer articulated heavy vehicles with trailer lateral dynamic control systems

    He, Yuping / Islam, Md Manjurul / Zhu, Shenjin et al. | SAGE Publications | 2017
    Schlagwörter: Design synthesis framework

    Design of an active trailer-steering system for multi-trailer articulated heavy vehicles using real-time simulations

    Ding, Xuejun / Mikaric, Steve / He, Yuping | SAGE Publications | 2013
    Schlagwörter: Design synthesis

    Optimization of curving performance of rail vehicles

    He, Yuping / McPhee, John | Taylor & Francis Verlag | 2005
    Schlagwörter: Automated design synthesis