Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Cloud Technology Technology
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Cloud Technology)

1–1 von 1 Ergebnissen

    Energy-efficient workload allocation in fog-cloud based services of intelligent transportation systems using a learning classifier system

    Freier Zugriff
    Abbasi, Mahdi / Yaghoobikia, Mina / Rafiee, Milad et al. | IET | 2020
    Schlagwörter: cloud computing , fog-cloud based services

      Energy‐efficient workload allocation in fog‐cloud based services of intelligent transportation systems using a learning classifier system

      Freier Zugriff
      Abbasi, Mahdi / Yaghoobikia, Mina / Rafiee, Milad et al. | Wiley | 2020
      Schlagwörter: cloud computing , fog‐cloud based services