Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Neutronenstern
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Neutronenstern)

1–10 von 182 Ergebnissen

    The multi-wavelength properties of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters

    Mereghetti, Sandro | Elsevier | 2010
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    Space and velocity distributions of neutron stars in the Milky Way

    Sartore, N. / Ripamonti, E. / Treves, A. et al. | Elsevier | 2011
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars: dynamics , Neutron stars: statistics

    The neutral gas in the environs of the Geminga gamma-ray pulsar

    Giacani, E. / Reynoso, E.M. / Dubner, G. et al. | Elsevier | 2005
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars , Neutron stars: Geminga

    Neutron star oscillations and QPOs during magnetar flares

    Watts, Anna L. / Strohmayer, Tod E. | Elsevier | 2006
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    Two magnetars: SGR 1627–41 and 1E 1547–5408

    Mereghetti, S. / Tiengo, A. / Esposito, P. et al. | Elsevier | 2010
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    An analysis of magnetic field and magnetosphere of neutron star under effect of a shock wave

    Bezrodnykh, S.I. / Somov, B.V. | Elsevier | 2015
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    Optical, ultraviolet, and infrared observations of isolated neutron stars

    Mignani, Roberto P. | Elsevier | 2009
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    AXPs/SGRs: Magnetars or quark-stars?

    Xu, Renxin | Elsevier | 2007
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    Neutron stars and gamma-ray bursts with LOFAR

    van Leeuwen, Joeri | Elsevier | 2010
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars

    Radiation efficiencies of the pulsars detected in the optical range

    Zharikov, S. / Shibanov, Yu. / Komarova, V. | Elsevier | 2005
    Schlagwörter: Neutron stars