1–15 von 15 Ergebnissen

    Influence of Chemical Kinetics Models on Plasma Generation in Hypersonic Flight

    Sawicki, Pawel / Chaudhry, Ross S. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2021

    The accuracy and sensitivity of plasma generation predicted by several different chemical kinetics models is investigated in the context

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Kinetics , Angle of Attack

    Assessment of Hypersonic Flow Physics on Aero-Optics

    Mackey, Lauren E. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2019

    In a hypersonic environment, the high kinetic energy of the oncoming flow causes the molecules in the flow to be thermally excited

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Energy

    Evaluation of Computational Modeling of Electron Transpiration Cooling at High Enthalpies

    Hanquist, Kyle M. / Alkandry, Hicham / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2016

    A modeling approach for electron transpiration cooling of high-enthalpy flight is evaluated through comparison to a set of experiments

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Equilibrium

    Conjugate Analyses of Ablation in Rocket Nozzles

    Cross, Peter G. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2019
    , two-dimensional simulations of ablation of pyrolyzing materials in rocket nozzle applications. Five different treatments of the surface energy ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Equilibrium

    Master Equation Study of Vibrational and Rotational Relaxations of Oxygen

    Andrienko, Daniil A. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2016
    ,” Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. null, No. null, 1963, Paper 3209 ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    Modeling of Emission Spectra in Nonequilibrium Plasmas for Testing Pyrolyzing Ablators

    Chen, Samuel Y. / Boyd, Iain D. / Martin, Nicholas C. et al. | AIAA | 2019

    Simulations are performed in collaboration with inductively coupled plasma torch experiments to investigate gas-phase chemical kinetics

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Kinetics Mechanism

    Two-Temperature Modeling of Nonequilibrium Relaxation and Dissociation in Shock-Heated Oxygen

    Aiken, Timothy T. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2023
    measured data from reflected shock tube experiments. A computationally efficient multistep technique is developed to model the unsteady dynamics of ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Thermochemistry and Chemical Kinetics

    Unsteady Simulations of Rocket Plume Expansions in Geostationary Earth Orbit

    Weaver, Andrew B. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2017

    Unsteady, direct simulation Monte Carlo/particle-in-cell simulations of rocket plume expansions into the magnetosphere at geostationary

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Rocket

    Numerical Analysis of Surface Chemistry in High-Enthalpy Flows

    Anna, Abhilasha / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2015

    The effects of surface-chemistry processes of a graphite sample exposed to a subsonic high-enthalpy nitrogen flow are investigated using

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Heat of Formation , Chemical Equilibrium

    Numerical Prediction of Hypersonic Flowfields Including Effects of Electron Translational Nonequilibrium

    Farbar, Erin / Boyd, Iain D. / Martin, Alexandre | AIAA | 2013
    influence of the electron temperature on the magnitude of the chemical reaction rates in the high density shock layer. A twofold reduction in peak ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    Shape Optimization of Reentry Vehicles to Minimize Heat Loading

    Eyi, Sinan / Hanquist, Kyle M. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2019

    The objective of the current study is to design an optimum reentry vehicle shape that minimizes heat loading subject to constraints on

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    Boundary-Layer Thermochemical Analysis During Passive and Active Oxidation of Silicon Carbide

    Chen, Samuel Y. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2020
    nonequilibrium computational fluid dynamics framework, accounting for gas–surface reactions, blowing of oxidation products, and a detailed surface energy ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    Modeling of Heat Transfer Attenuation by Ablative Gases During the Stardust Reentry

    Martin, Alexandre / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2015
    . Although a displacement of the shock is observed, it is believed that the most prominent effects are caused by a modification of the chemical ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    Open-Source Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Chemistry Modeling for Hypersonic Flows

    Scanlon, Thomas J. / White, Craig / Borg, Matthew K. et al. | AIAA | 2015
    ., “The Q-K Model for Gas Phase Chemical Reaction Rates,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 23, No ...
    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Conservation of Mass

    Reduced Reaction Mechanism for Rocket Nozzle Ablation Simulations

    Cross, Peter G. / Boyd, Iain D. | AIAA | 2017

    A reduced reaction mechanism suitable for modeling finite-rate gas-phase chemistry associated with the ablation of carbon-phenolic

    Verlag: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Schlagwörter: Chemical Equilibrium