Synonyme wurden verwendet für: Aviation General Transportation
Suche ohne Synonyme: keywords:(Transportation ; Aviation ; General)

1–20 von 881 Ergebnissen

    General Aviation Airports for the Future

    NTIS | 1965
    Schlagwörter: Civil aviation , General aviation airports , Air Transportation , General aviation aircraft , Air transportation

    The Airport--Its Influence on the Community Economy

    NTIS | 1967
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Civil aviation , Air transportation , General aviation aircraft

    Guidelines for an Appalachian Airport System

    E. L. Perkins / A. J. Beverett / L. S. Goldfarb | NTIS | 1967
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Transportation , Transportation & Traffic Planning , Air transportation , General aviation

    Amarillo Airport System Requirements Study

    NTIS | 1967
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Air transportation , General aviation aircraft

    Study of a Navigation and Traffic Control Technique Employing Satellites. Volume 1 - Summary Interim Report

    D. D. Otten | NTIS | 1967
    Schlagwörter: General aviation aircraft , Transport aircraft

    Analysis of Delays at Washington National Airport

    J. V. Yance | NTIS | 1968
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , General aviation aircraft

    General Aviation Aircraft Operating Costs

    NTIS | 1969
    Schlagwörter: Civil aviation , Air transportation , Aviation personnel , General aviation aircraft

    Aviation Forecasts Fiscal Years 1969-1980

    NTIS | 1969
    Schlagwörter: Aeronautics , Civil aviation , Transport planes , General aviation aircraft

    General-Aviation Pilot Reactions to and Opinions on Grooved Runways

    G. E. Cranston | NTIS | 1969
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , General aviation aircraft , Aeronautics

    Upper Gulf Coast Regional Air Transportation Study. Volume II

    NTIS | 1970
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Air transportation , General aviation aircraft

    Upper Gulf Coast Regional Air Transportation Study. Volume I

    NTIS | 1970
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Air transportation , General aviation aircraft

    Air Transportation for Texas: Reference - 1970

    J. C. Goodknight / G. Taylor | NTIS | 1970
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Air transportation , General aviation aircraft

    Aviation Forecasts. Fiscal Years 1972-1983

    NTIS | 1971
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Civil aviation , Aviation fuels , General aviation aircraft

    Aviation Forecasts. Fiscal Years 1971-1982

    NTIS | 1971
    Schlagwörter: Aeronautics , Air Transportation , Civil aviation , Aviation fuels , General aviation aircraft

    Lessons with Emphasis on Flight Mechanics from Operating Experience, Incidents and Accidents

    NTIS | 1971
    Schlagwörter: Aeronautics , Aviation safety , Aviation accidents , Transport planes , General aviation accidents

    Forecast of Air Traffic Demand and Activity Levels to the Year 2000

    N. Simat / K. Carlson | NTIS | 1972
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Transportation & Traffic Planning , Air transportation , General aviation aircraft , Civil aviation , Military transportation , General aviation

    General Aviation

    NTIS | 1972
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Transportation & Traffic Planning , Civil aviation , Air transportation , Aviation safety , General aviation

    General Aviation and Airport Employee Surveys. 1971 Rhode Island Origin. Destination Update Study

    NTIS | 1972
    Schlagwörter: Air transportation , General aviation aircraft , Aviation personnel , Cargo transportation

    A Study of the Existing Aviation System and Its Extensions. Part B - The Air Vehicle

    NTIS | 1972
    Schlagwörter: Air Transportation , Transportation & Traffic Planning , Civil aviation , General aviation aircraft , Aviation safety

    Special Study-General Aviation Stall/Spin Accidents, 1967-1969

    NTIS | 1972
    Schlagwörter: Transportation Safety , Aviation accidents , General aviation aircraft , Aviation safety