1–16 von 16 Ergebnissen

    An approach to determine charging infrastructure for one million electric vehicles in Germany

    Freier Zugriff
    Anderson, John Erik / Böttcher, Nicole / Kuhnimhof, Tobias | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | 2016
    Germany has set a goal of having one million electric vehicles in use by 2020. This is a crucial part of the national program Energy ...
    Schlagwörter: electric vehicle , energy

    Eco-Trajectory Planning with Consideration of Queue along Congested Corridor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    Yang, Zhen / Feng, Yiheng / Gong, Xun et al. | Transportation Research Record | 2019

    At signalized intersections, vehicle speed profile plays a vital role in determining fuel consumption and emissions. With advances of


    Indirect CO2 emissions of electric vehicles: Insights from real-world vehicle use

    Freier Zugriff
    Kolarova, Viktoriya / Anderson, John E. / Hardinghaus, Michael | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | 2018
    Greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2 emissions, are a major environmental problem caused mainly by the transportation and the energy ...
    Schlagwörter: electric vehicles

    Renewable Energy Use Advantages of Maglev-Based Personal Rapid Transit

    Baertsch, Robert / Dunnmon, Jared | Transportation Research Record | 2010

    Maglev personal rapid transit (MPRT) is a personal rapid transit (PRT) system that uses renewable energy in usage, distribution, and


    Comparing Power-System and User-Oriented Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Representation and its Impact on Energy System Modeling

    Freier Zugriff
    Wulff, Niklas / Steck, Felix / Gils, Hans Christian et al. | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | 2020
    Battery electric vehicles (BEV) provide an opportunity to balance supply and demand in future power systems with high shares of fluctuating ...
    Schlagwörter: energy system optimization , renewable energy integration , electric vehicles

    Calculating Potential Emission Reductions through the Introduction of Electric Vehicles

    Freier Zugriff
    Kihm, Alexander / Trommer, Stefan / Mehlin, Markus | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | 2013
    arrive soon and at decreasing cost. In our work we analyze the possible market development for electric vehicles with an application to ...

    Carbon Emission Variations for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles after Coronavirus Disease 19: An Empirical Case in Chongqing, China

    Hao, Xu / Yuan, Yuebo / Wang, Hewu et al. | Springer Verlag | 2022
    corresponding carbon emissions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) operating in Chongqing, China, before and after COVID-19. The results ...
    Schlagwörter: Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

    Stated Preference Analysis of Automated Vehicles among California Residents Using Probabilistic Inferences

    Hinda Salum, Jimoku / Kutela, Boniphace / Kitali, Angela E. et al. | Transportation Research Record | 2021

    As technology advances, improvements in the way people travel also occur. In 2017, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL


    Comparison of Emissions, Energy, and Cost Impacts of Diesel and Hybrid Models in the United States in 2010

    Lutsey, Nic | Transportation Research Record | 2011
    diesel—will be prominent contributors toward achieving environmental and energy goals. Technology advances have led to a dramatic penetration of ...

    A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and VIKOR Framework for Evaluation and Selection of Electric Vehicle Charging Technology for India

    Mall, Shaurya / Anbanandam, Ramesh | Springer Verlag | 2022
    energy in recent years have led to the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) for sustainable transportation. In the last decade or so, a set of ...
    Schlagwörter: Electric vehicle , Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning

    Prospects for Energy Usage and Carbon Dioxide that Affect European Transportation Sector

    Grácio, Milton / Finet, Constance / Desaeger, Muriel et al. | Transportation Research Record | 2012
    and carbon dioxide (CO2) impacts that resulted from improvements in energy efficiency, uptake of biofuels, and electric mobility ...

    Factsheet „Vehicle to Grid“ – Kundennutzung und Netzintegration

    Arbeitsgruppe 5 : Verknüpfung der Verkehrs- und Energienetze, Sektorkopplung
    Freier Zugriff
    Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur | FID move | 2020
    Einbindung von Elektrofahrzeugen in die Energiewirtschaft (Sektorkopplung) zukünftig einen wichtigen Baustein im Ökosystem der E-Mobilität dar. Dies ...
    Schlagwörter: Elektromobilität

    Zentrale Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen – Erreichtes und Offenes

    AG 5 - Abschlussbericht
    Freier Zugriff
    Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) | FID move | 2021
    Erreichten sind einige Punkte noch offen, die aus Sicht der AG 5 elementar für die erfolgreiche Verkehrswende sind. Um den Hochlauf der E-Mobilität ...
    Schlagwörter: Elektromobilität

    Batterieproduktion für Deutschland und Europa

    Bericht der Fokusgruppe Wertschöpfung der AG 4 der NPM
    AG 4 - Zwischenbericht
    Freier Zugriff
    Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) | FID move | 2021
    Anschubinvestitionsbedarfe, Beschäftigungspotenziale und erforderliche Rahmenbedingungen für den Ausbau der Produktionsanlagen in Europa ableiten: Die Prognosen bis ...
    Schlagwörter: Elektromobilität

    Second Life for Plug-In Vehicle Batteries

    Effect of Grid Energy Storage Value on Battery Lease Payments
    Williams, Brett | Transportation Research Record | 2012
    , deferred costly upgrades, and support for the penetration and profitability of intermittent renewable energy. This research advances methods for ...

    Strategy for Overcoming Cost Hurdles of Plug-In–Hybrid Battery in California

    Integrating Post-Vehicle Secondary Use Values
    Williams, Brett D. / Lipman, Timothy E. | Transportation Research Record | 2010

    Advances in electric drive technology, including lithium ion batteries as well as the development of strong policy drivers such as
