1–12 von 12 Ergebnissen

    Economics of Propulsion Systems for Air Transport

    A survey of the advances made in powerplants since the introduction of gas turbines and the effect on airline economics, first presented at the Dublin branch of the R.Ae.S.
    Huddie, David | Emerald Group Publishing | 1970

    COMPARED with most other industries a distinguishing feature of the air transport business throughout its history has been the rapid


    The Engine's Contribution to Economic Short-Haul Jet Transport

    Eltis, E.M. / Morley, F.W. | Emerald Group Publishing | 1964
    referred to. It is concluded that further advances towards higher engine performance will be accompanied by economies in many other areas of the ...

    Current Developments in All Weather Landing

    A Review of the Problems to be Solved and the Programmes being Pursued in Europe and the United States
    Webber, G.W. | Emerald Group Publishing | 1963

    The aircraft industry is at present at a stage where a number of striking new advances are approaching practical reality. The super


    Problems and Progress in Aircraft Design

    Reflections on the Progress Made in the Last Twenty Years with a Glimpse into the Future Based on Recent Developments
    Farren, W.S. | Emerald Group Publishing | 1949
    means of producing the vital advances upon which, from 1936 onwards, rearmament in the air was founded. ...

    The Library Shelf

    Emerald Group Publishing | 1968
    others on the history of the development of the aeroplane is the emphasis placed on the interplay of technical advances with improvements in ...

    An account of the design philosophy of the Lockheed SST project

    Heppe, R. Richard / Englebry, Channing R. | Emerald Group Publishing | 1967

    Development of the Lockheed supersonic transport has followed the basic philosophy that an advance in air travel in


    Technology of the Rolls-Royce RB211 Engine

    COPLIN, JOHN F. | Emerald Group Publishing | 1979

    The evolution of large fan engines in the late 1960s brought major advances in the technology and operating economics of engines for


    Fuel Economy

    Ford CEng, Terry | Emerald Group Publishing | 1989

    MUCH of the continuing growth and versatility of civil and military air transport is due to advances in the aeronautical gas turbine


    New and Emerging Technology

    Ford CEng, Terry | Emerald Group Publishing | 1993
    . Included in the presentations were developments and projects indicating the advances made in each of these fields and the efforts made to design ...

    The Economic Impact of R & D on Aircraft Design

    Morgan, Morien | Emerald Group Publishing | 1970

    A condensed version of a paper on the effect on the ultimate economics of operation of advances in specific technical areas presented at


    Crystal Gazing

    Emerald Group Publishing | 1957
    development come to little. Probably the advance in the volume and the speed of air transport, and the increase in complexity of aircraft, have ...

    The I.Ae.S. Annual Meeting

    A Summarised Report of the Principal Papers Read During the Conference
    Klemin, A. | Emerald Group Publishing | 1939
    greater emphasis on the instrumentation, meteorology and other problems of air transport technique and less emphasis on the more advanced phases ...