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    Titel :

    Sir, The office of surveyor to the London Hospital having become vacant by the [blank] of Edward Hawkins Esq. permit me most respectfully to solicit your vote and interest to succeed him in the said office: and should I, by your kind assistance, be so far honored as to be chosen will, endeavour (by a careful attention to the duties thereof) to merit the favor conferred on

    Robinson, John (Autor:in)

    Erscheinungsdatum :


    Format / Umfang :

    Online-Ressource (1 sheet)


    Campusweiter Zugriff (Universität Hannover) - Vervielfältigungen (z.B. Kopien, Downloads) sind nur von einzelnen Kapiteln oder Seiten und nur zum eigenen wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch erlaubt. Keine Weitergabe an Dritte. Kein systematisches Downloaden durch Robots.
    English Short Title Catalog, T219779
    Reproduction of original from Bodleian Library (Oxford)
    Signed: John Robinson, with the address at foot: Wellclose-Square

    Medientyp :


    Format :

    Elektronische Ressource

    Sprache :


    Schlagwörter :

    Some duties of a surveyor

    Rothera, A. | Engineering Index Backfile | 1917

    Your Business Needs to Change to Succeed with Embedded Systems

    Blake, D. / Gumbrich, S. / Koppinger, P. et al. | British Library Conference Proceedings | 2004