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    Titel :

    The minutes of a court-martial, held on board His Majesty's ship the Lenox, in Portsmouth harbour, on the 31st of January last : Enquiring into the conduct of the commanders of the Hampton-Court and Dreadnought, for not engaging the Fleuron and Neptune, two French men of war. Together with the depositions and examinations of the officers and men, who were on board the said ships at the time of the chase


    Erscheinungsdatum :


    Format / Umfang :

    Online-Ressource ([2],69,[1]p.,table)


    Campusweiter Zugriff (Universität Hannover) - Vervielfältigungen (z.B. Kopien, Downloads) sind nur von einzelnen Kapiteln oder Seiten und nur zum eigenen wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch erlaubt. Keine Weitergabe an Dritte. Kein systematisches Downloaden durch Robots.
    English Short Title Catalog, T2413
    Reproduction of original from British Library
    The commanders = Savage Mostyn and Thomas Fowke
    The folded table is bound between pp. 24 and 25, and is numbered *25

    Medientyp :


    Format :

    Elektronische Ressource

    Sprache :


    Popham's court martial

    Online Contents | 1997